Service Rates

house exterior

Exterior Check

Once a month - $40/month

Twice a month - $50/month

An inspection of the entire outside property, ensuring trash and debris are picked up and the perimeter is secure.

house exterior house interior

Exterior and Interior Check

Once a month - $50/month

Twice a month - $60/month

Weekly Check - $125/month

An inspection of the entire property, inside and out, ensuring your home is secure. A report will be provided with each visit.

Custom Services


QUICK CHECK - $20/check

Just left on vacation and forgot something? We offer a check that trash containers are brought in, stove is off, water is turned off etc. Having packages delivered while you are gone? We will pick up packages left on the property and put them in your home to prevent porch pirates.



Starting up vehicles, once a month, to run for 10 minutes. Price includes two vehicles. Additional vehicles and motorhomes to be negotiated for additional costs.

car in driveway


If your attending a public event, such as a funeral or well published event, we offer a full day presence in your home to keep your home secure

home security panel

SECURITY ALARM RESPONS - $25 per incident

If your secuiry alarm goes off, we will respond.